Tuesday 8 March 2016

Margao shopping

Today we went into Margao with Albert our taxi driver to get some souvenirs and buy some fruit and fish. 
The town was really busy, it was a Hindu festival day and people had lined up to pay homage at the shrine.
There was a big heap of sandals and people were buying marigold garlands to lay on the shrine. Unfortunately this blog (free of course) won't let me upload a video, but the chanting was melodic and the air heavy with incense. 
We found trinkets we wanted. The bartering was almost comical, his lordship being given a chair, the Goan newspaper and offered chai which he declined. Every time we adjusted the price they took an item away and ever time they upped the price we put the it back ! Eventually they gave up and the sale, less than 1/2 price, was ours. They wished us good luck and we were on our way.

Albert insisted on bartering for our prawns as he said we had the "wrong faces"!
A kilo of king prawns for less than £4. Albert had rolled his trouser legs up to avoid the fishy water underfoot, but was horrified when a fish lady splashed him with a good sloshing of sqid ink! It's as well we don't speak Goan - words flew out of his mouth as he gestured to his ruined beige trousers!
The fish, meat and fruit is very fresh and incredibly cheap by British standards

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