Thursday 3 March 2016


This is a typical Goan property on the market for about £75k with a couple of bedrooms , kitchen, bathroom and open plan living area. Just the sort of place that me and himself could retire to.
You even get your own well - handy eh? 
Think this one would be better though
According to Albert the taxi driver it belongs to a doctor who works in Russia. He brings his nurses over to stay when his wife goes to see her mother in Mumbai!
This little place is nearly completed; we've watched the progress over the last 12 months. 
Sorry about the wobbly shot I was on the back of the scooter at the time. 
Well must go now I've got a pressing appointment with Pork chops, Apple sauce, carrots, garden peas (took 3 supermarket trips) and creamed potatoes. Himself collared a guy who lives in our complex who runs the American  Cruise Ship catering school. He kindly dropped in some demi glacé - what a star 😀🍷Bon appetite 🍴

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