Monday 30 January 2017


This glorious morning we received an invitation by carrier pidgeon from our friends The Right Honerable Frederick Percival Bradley to Valerie's surprise party . Strange note at the bottom though
The beach bar is full of characters who we've met over the years . These are our favourites
John asked for a cocktail for Denise and the bar boy nipped up the tree and got us all a lovely bunch of coconuts

Saturday 28 January 2017

It ain't half hot Mum

Today we watched the BBC world news and after watching Mrs May and Mr Trump and the rest of the world news the world weather followed.  I'll never understand why we can't get the weather forecast for the world on the British BBC, its always so interesting.  Anyway the point i'm getting at is that today it was going to be 37c here.  In fact it was 37c in the shade and over 40c in the sun which is 104 in Fahrenheit.

It was scorching.  On the way down past the Zuri Hotel there were about 20 coaches and we then found out via the hotels speaker system that there was a wedding on between the Lupin family and the Chakrabati family.  The DJ was organising cricket matches, silly games and a dance contest

It started to get very noisy so we had a long lunch with Kath and Barry who we met a couple of days ago in the beach shack called Mama's kitchen.  We're eating very little really, I just had some Tandoori Panneer which is a Panneer kebab. Panneer is like a thick white Indian cheese which is baked in the Tandoori oven with Peppers, Onions and Chilli.  Rich just had a cheesy Naan washed down with a couple of Kingfisher Beers.

We noticed early in the morning when we went on the beach that the sand was red hot.  We had to run down to the sea which seemed a hell of a long way away as the tide was right out.  After lunch the sand had got too hot so we decided to head back to the complex for some peace and quiet.

The pool was cool and refreshing and we had it all to ourselves, mind you there are a lot of rules and regulations

So we are just relaxing in the apartment, I've done a couple of loads of washing which will dry in about half an hour, then we shall go out with Denise and John for dinner at Zion - see you soon xx

Thursday 26 January 2017

Big ride out

Today we decided to look in at the spa we had reserved about 20 miles away.

Its called the Mayfair Hideaway Spa, and how very apt that was.  All I can say is after miles around the back roads, we found ourselves at the wrong side of the river Sal.  Thank heavens for Google maps, although trying to keep logging into my phone, the strong sunshine and my sunnies under my skid lid visor, and hanging on to himself,  it wasn't easy!

Its a 5* Spa and when we arrived looking pretty windblown, a man rushed out of the reception and asked us to park our bike round the back!!!!!  Himself refused and said we were not stopping, only confirming our booking and having a look around.  Mind you when you see this image coming towards you can you blame him!
We had a look around and said we thought it was very nice, even the inside of the toilet was quite special!  This is the view from the ladies sit you down 

Are well, we do see life eh?  So I think we're booked and will have to get Albert the taxi to take us, I dont think I could take the embarrassment of arriving by scooter again!
We found a much quicker route back thanks again to Google Maps, there are very few road signs in this part of the world.  Next time I might just try shoving my selfie stick over Rich's shoulder with my iphone on it so he could see the route - happy days!

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Tuesdays news (Richard has a cold)

There are so many odd things that happen here in Goa.  This morning we were on our way to the beach when we spotted a 56 seater tourist coach that had been parked on some rough ground by the driver who had popped into a shop for some supplies.  Unfortunately, he got it completely stuck in some soft sand, so he got the Indian tourists to help push it back on to the road.  I just cant imagine that ever happening in the UK, there were men getting bits of wood and stone to put under the wheels, sadly I didnt get a photo, but I'm reliably told by the head of housekeeping (nicknamed Lawrence of Arabia) that they did a sterling job!
The boys in the card school had moved from the middle of the road into the field under a tree - taxi drivers lying in wait for prey!
Had a detour to the local shop - Home Supplies where they regularly give you change in sweets or chocolate if there are not enough 1,2,5 rupees.  They also provide a money changing service, deliver water, sell any kitchen utensil in the world ,gas, children's clothes, flipflops etc etc. and they also have the most wonderful selection of fancy cakes, Indian pastries etc.
No trip out seems to be without a visit  to the ATM.  As the Indians now have a new rule that you can only get out 10,000 rupees at a time, about £80 now that the £ has hit an all time low, about 25% lower than last year, we seem to be constantly having to get money.  All the ATM's are in an air conditioned room on the side of the banks with a security guard, who will help sort out any problems you have getting your money.  At one particular machine the guard actually shouts all the instructions to you from the back of the room, quite useful sometimes.
Because the Indians have had to pay all their 5,000 & 1,000 rupee notes into the banks to get them exchanged there seem to be very few visiting the coast.  Apparently a substantial amount of people who kept money under the bed for many years could not get all their money changed and the Government only gave them 5 weeks in which to do it, then the money is void.  Lawrence told us that a lot of people just threw them on the fire or papered their windows with them.  So the beaches are quiet.

This evening we were just about to have a pre dinner G & T when a crowd of people arrived in the field with two bulls like the one above. The Indians bet on which bull will run away first, no matadors or picadors here, just two bulls facing one another - very odd?
Sorry not a great picture.  Tonight we  are off to Pedros in Benaulim for a Reggae night.  More tomorrow.......

Sunday 22 January 2017

Home from home

We came to India with Qatar Airways, changing planes with just enough time for a drink.  That in itself was a challenge as most of the cafes are alcohol free.
 We saw this amazing pyramid of waving cats
about 3000 all waving at the same time.
Our flight from Doha was three hours and we were met by Jerry our landlord and his son.  By this time it was 3 am, 9.30 UK time.  The warmth of Jerry's welcome matched the warm Goan night air.
Several months ago I thought I would never feel this again.  We truly love this place, meeting old friends and hearing their stories of the past year and renewing familiar old bonds

The view from our apartment, when we got up at 7am... a little early with only 3 hour sleep.  The kingfishers, egrets and goats are still around.

This is Bluebell our brand new scooter, and this year were completely legal with international driving licence and two very fetching helmets that make your head sweat like you wouldnt believe, and no you wont be seeing a picture of me !!  

We had a lot of stuff to sort out, ATM machines, filling up Bluebell which cost about £4, shopping for supplies etc, before we got to our favourite beach, but on the way we had to go around a card school which was in the middle of the road.  They were still there in the evening when we went out for dinner!

Monday 9 January 2017

New Year, New Me, New Adventure!

Just a few days until we start another adventure in Southern India.

At the end of my last blog I was suffering from a stomach disorder, everyone thought it was a the usual Delhi belly, but the local Indian doctor in Varca, Goa,  advised me to see a Gastric Surgeon on my return to the UK.    He wasn't wrong, after the dreaded NHS had misdiagnosed me twice, I finally got the correct diagnosis and it wasn't one that I particularly wanted to hear.  I was admitted for emergency surgery for bowel cancer to Worcester Royal Hospital.  After spending 23 days in hospital I had a further six months of gruelling chemotherapy, I have been discharged by my oncologist and deemed fit to travel.  So India here we come!

My travels will be initially to Varca, Goa, Southern India along with my husband seen here last year