Tuesday 11 February 2014

Bustling, business like Bangalore, and the burning Biryani

After a relaxing stay with Colonel Roy we made our way to the airport for the next leg of our adventure.  Trivandrum airport is yet another  brand new, fabulous state of the art airport.  Our Air India flight was slightly delayed , but as luck would have it we found the “beer parlour” and had two glasses of very expensive beer.  The aircraft  still managed to pick up time and arrive as per schedule.,  We landed, went through arrivals and had picked up our baggage within 15 minutes.  This is not at all unusual.  We have been gobsmacked at the slick operations and Bangalore airport was yet another amazing structure, with efficient service,  making Heathrow & Gatwick look decidedly shoddy.

Pic is of Colonel Roys fabulous ordchid collection

A driver  came to collect us and take us to our next accommodation  he was waiting for us outside arrivals and we started back towards the city, through beautifully laid out roadsides along the motorway.  The traffic built up rapidly, it was 4.15 pm so rush hour was upon us.  An auto rickshaw rammed into the side of the taxi, and of course, no bad language occurred, no one swapped insurances, and nothing was said! It took 1 ½ hours to get there, however the drive delivered us to the wrong address, but after a couple of phone calls it was all put right.
The "digs" we are top left
We are staying in a serviced apartment which is pretty good, but we are sharing it with three other
families of 18 people – just kidding.  No we have our own room and ensuite and the use of a lounge & kitchen, not that we shall use it. The manager cooks us breakfast and his wife is doing the laundry – thank heavens, the wriggling bag tried to make a bolt for it!  Unfortunately the air con was not working.  The manager said someone would come and fix it, but guess what, no one showed.   

If I move my fingers the steam comes out!

We were starving by this time so decided to go out for dinner. On the way we bought another mosquito repellent and as my torch had failed I asked the shop assistant for some new batteries.  He took my torch apart discarded the old batteries, gave the torch a quick service and charged me 30p for the lot!  We found a little family restaurant, but had serious second thoughts, so just had a beer.  We seem to be in an area well known for Biryani there were shops selling it everywhere.  We went into the best looking one of the lot and it looked quite clean.  Himself always one to try the local delicacy had a mutton biryani and I had a prawn.  Well to say it was hot was an understatement.  There was steam coming out of my ears, my eyes were steaming and we were in bits laughing.  We could only manage half each and the waiter was upset and disappointed that we hadn’t made much headway through it.  We had three large glasses of water each, but that didn’t kill the burning.  Himself ordered us some icecream and it more or less did the trick.  The waiter cleared up all our mess and we were just about to leave after paying the bill when he ran behind us with a bag full of  fiery left-overs.  Himself said he had a plan for it, he never told me what it was, needless to say it didn’t make it back to the digs.

Nice sleep, good breaky and were off! Whistle stop tour of the town cente.  Picked up and auto rickshaw to the Hindu temple and Tipu Sultans summer Palace, followed by a visit to yet another market.  We employed a guide who got rid of the rickshaw driver, he parked on double yellows and promptly got fined by the traffic police!  100 rupee fine, half what we paid him for the 1 hour drive.  

Hindu temple next door to Sultans Summer Palace

This is where the Sultan & Sultana held court, there were loads of Indians taking photos.  Please excuse top, I've run out of clothes and gone local in respect of local custom!

We are going to Mysore to see the Maharajahs Palace tomorrow, it has spectacular gardens which apparently should be one of the seven wonders of the world, and also to see the palace lit up with 100,000 lights.  As it is 100 miles each way we have decided to stay overnight at the Jade Gardens, so no blog tomorrow, be back on Thursday/Friday with some belting pictures!

Fruit, lovely fruit!
Pineapple sellers

spices, chilli,turmeric etc made into conical displays

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