Saturday 1 February 2014

The Andamans - Robinson Crusoe Land

Hello again, we’re back! There is very little internet  on  the islands and phones don’t work well either, so its been a  really relaxing time!

We arrived from Chennai to Port Blair in the Andaman Islands and Jet Konect were efficient, early and with a spanking new 737.  We had a meal on board ,breads and  a spicy lentil dish, with coffee gateaux.  Himself  oinked someone out of his seat as he requested the window, then after ½ an hour of chatting to the elderly Indian gent and his wife, we found out it was the first time they  had been on a plane after working for the government for 60 years!  She seemed very disappointed, so we all swapped seats, which was the gentlemanly thing to do.  Himself told the old guy that we had to lean to the right when the plane banked he seemed a bit confused, then himself said “only kidding”

Our first night in Port Blair was at the Captains House, and we were greeted by Dinaz and welcomed into her home.   Our room was large and airy with an ensuite and sitting room, so we thought we had done quite well. The view from her roof terrace over Port Blair was stunning.  She cooked dinner for us and an Irish couple who were on their way home.  We retired early to find the bed was infinitely harder than a park bench.  The night was very eventful.
 Himself made a note of the following events:-
10.30 baby next door started crying
12.00 baby stopped whinging
4.15  Islamic call to prayer from local mosque
4.20  Dogs started howling with the wailing, obviously Muslim dogs
This in turn woke up the cockerels who joined in
Then the birds started the  damn dawn chorus
Dogs then started barking
Cats started meowing and a big fight broke out
This in turn started the crows off.
We gave up on sleep at  about 5am it was bedlam.  Note to self ; must find somewhere else for on the way back!

We departed Port Blair with 208 Indians and me and himself, on a huge hight powered “Super-fast” catamaran that sped between the islands.   The Indians  were all ho, ho, ho til  we got to open water ,then probably 50 % turned green.   Himself and I are both good sailors so no problem for us.  On arrival at Haverlock Island we had an autorickshaw which took us to the Emerald Gecko.  If  I tell you its like Robinson Crusoe Island, with aquamarine sea, cloudless skies, white sandy beaches it would not be a lie. Sunsets and sunrises to die for.
Our accommodation is a bamboo  split level beach house not 15 feet from the sea.  We have a  sitting room, upstairs terrace and bedroom with a ceiling fan, outside bathroom and shower.  The air conditioning  is by means of raising the rattan blinds and letting in cool sea air. We are in house no 6, and there is an airy restaurant called  Blackbeard’s bistro who serve fish I have never heard of, but is delicious.  All the rest of the properties have no bathroom and use communal showers and  the “squatters”.   There is only hot water from a big boiler which is heated by a fire underneath at 8am and 7pm.This makes fascinating viewing, the boys trying to light the fire from driftwood and I think a slosh of paraffin causing much hilarity and jumping about!  We have noticed that:
Brits don’t bother , just showering with the cold stuff,
French go in their underpants to the communal block buckets in hand
Germans get there early and nick all the hot,
Americans check out!
A Japanese contingent arrived last night, obviously staying in one of the huts and duly formed a line with their buckets (5 gallon variety) to do there ablutions. 
The Andamans only have 3 bars all of which sell out quick!  This has caused a minor panic in the Herself and Himself household. The wine shop, just the one on the island, is open spasmodically causing mayhem.  Himself went by autorickshaw on three occasions only to find it shut or sold out.  Today he went at 8.30 a bit of a struggle but a successful mission.  Just in case, he bought a couple of bottles of Gin (£2) and beer, which we haven’t seen for last 3 days. There is a big fridge in the Bistro for guest use which says STRICTLY NO ALCOHOL and it is absolutely full of wines, spirits and beer!

Sorry  there are no pictures but the internet cannot cope with them, but we will store them up for late
PS Hello to all our family and friends, we're still spending the inheritance xxxxx

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