Tuesday 18 February 2014

Shopping in Panjim

En route to Panjim view of the Casino boat
We awoke around 7am  this morning and commented that it was cool on opening the windows.  When I turned on my digital kitchen thermometer, yes I really do take it with me when I go away, it was 25c. 
Having chatted at length with the Kumar’s our hosts, we have picked up lots of tips.  Lata tells us that contact lenses are very cheap, so this morning we went into Panjim to find out.  I have just had an eye test, free of charge,  and bought a years supply of night & day lenses, branded and to my prescription for a quarter of the price of the ones I have back home –Specsavers, your fired! Next year when we come back I will buy new glasses.

We needed to buy more saffron and spices for himself who has a bulging book of recipes.  Another market, and another expert salesman who talked himself into a heap of spices etc to bring home.  We bought good saffron, tamarind, assorted masala for vegetables, and a special packet of masala for goat.  Himself has got a plan to get some stock from somewhere when we get home.  Look out neighbours- we used to keep goats 30 years ago! 
After passing a fruit stall I had to drag him forcibly before he bought the lot, he just cant say no.  Personally half a kilo of fresh juicy figs is too much for just four days, we’ve managed to dodge the runs for the last 5 ½ weeks, but this could be trouble!

View over the lower floor of Panjim market in Goa

 Lata gave him some more recipes this morning at breakfast when we had  another different Indian breakfast of Iddies,  Goan bread, coconut  chutney , made by Lata from her own coconuts in the garden, & cream cheese ,along with eggs, bananas & grapes, mango juice & coffee, delicious.
Its now 3pm and I’ve looked at the temperature again and its 35c, so think we might be in a bit of trouble when we get home.   It feels pretty comfortable here on the terrace, himself is having a nap, writing recipes is tiring workJ.  I wonder if I crank the central heating boiler at home up to full if it will make 30c??

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