Sunday 15 March 2015

Goa to Chennai

Still can't believe It's been 8 weeks. We've said our goodbyes to our last remaining  friends Kath & Bob after dinner last night
We're now Chennai bound 
Albert our taxi driver has kept some of our things ready for next year and the good news is it's just 10 months away.
So not long!

Friday 13 March 2015

Last few days

View from our apartment 

We've had a really great time and met some amazing people - some intrepid travellers with great tales to tell.

Fred, and brave Val who had a heart attack and pacemaker fitted at Margao hospital. Fred swam morning and evening in what has since been called Fred's pool. 
Linda & Dennis from 202 who gave us loads of books and himself read the trilogies.
Mo & Bob; Bob ended up in intensive care after a major problem with an ulcer, poor Mo had to collect 2 units of blood by taxii - sorry we'd gone off to Jaipur so couldn't help.
So no worries about the healthcare everyone was more than happy with their  doctors and let's not foget Indian doctors are the very backbone of the NHS

John who managed to find HP sauce in a restaurant we went to - everyone had some even on their curries!

Wonderful Al found meditating in a cave, what a breath of fresh air and inspiration he was.
The River Ganges - intoxicating! This is the before picture 
This is the after picture - id been blessed, accidentally got my hands wet whle lowering our lighted candles, and unknowingly drunk Ganges Chai (tea)

Today I spoke to a guy I'd referred to himself as Castro- his beard and appearance reminded me of Fidel. As its my last day in Goa and I've walked up and down the beach watching this guy, I decided to ask him what on earth he hunts for everyday on the beach. It turns out he's from USA and he collects sharks teeth! We talked for half an hour about India, where we'd been and what we'd seen - fascinating.
Our last ride on Betty to get some last minute bits and a pic of our local vlage church 

On Sunday we fly down to Chennai before flying back home on Monday 

Thursday 12 March 2015

39c Feeling hot, hot, hot

The temperature is getting hotter and it's even too hot for us. 
We went into the village to do some last minute shopping, all the local shopkeepers  know us and have a chat about what's going on. The co-op veg shop manager used be on P & O Cruise lines and has been round the world nine times. He gave me some extra limes  foc and some bananas from his own garden.
The supermarket manager said 'are you never going home'  and didn't have any change so gave me this instead - nice!

Then there's the cricket. 

The wine shop manager was talking cricket, he has the cricket on the telly all day and locals pop in to find out the scores. India are ,of course, doing very well.
We went to the beach but it was just too hot and heard this really loud noise - a hovercraft! 

The breeze dropped so we headed back to the apartment after lunch on the beach
Then a nice dip in the pool. 
The air con indoors is on 23c and it's just like walking into a fridge. 
Himself is feeling homesick and needs to cook. Maybe chicken curry and a side order of chips? I really  must diet I've piled on the weight, beer at lunchtime and ice cream in the afternoons.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Gone Fishing

Nice barracuda!

We went just down the tracks on Black Betty to another part of our 20 mile beach and supplies were just being bought in.

You can see the dodgy old bridge over the river between the sand and the ocean. I was ok going but this afternoon we ended up with three local dogs including Ken Dog escorting us over the bridge and a flee bitten one we call Sprinker (obvious reasons) happened to brush alongside me nearly sending me into this stinky  bog which the other dogs swim through, poo .I think the dogs like himself he always talks to them, they wag their tails then follow him squeezing under his sun bed. It must be the low snoring noise that they like!!!
One of himselfs gang of growlers, they love a swim in the sea.

Our friends Irene & Bob from Welshpool left yesterday  we miss our afternoon laughs. 
For John & Denise we went to Pedro"s again. Nothing's changed great reggae and more weird dancers which included this four!

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Getting around

Well you may have wondered how we get around ,and this , along with Albert & Candido's taxis is our mode of transport.
We decided to rent the scooter for our last three weeks. It really takes me back to my youth, we had a Lambretta back in the days of mods & rockers. (Kids you'll need to Google that)
We had a christening ceremony, remains of a Kingfisher, and named her QE2, which has now been shortened to Black Betty. We've had a few moments- himself has endeavoured to get into the zone with the locals, who are all quite obviously tepathicly connected. We did have a moment with a local who had a full length ladder on his push bike, he came round the corner and nearly had us off, but himself being an old HGV class 1 driver manoeuvred us safely away. Today himself took Bob one of our neighbours into  Varca on a shopping trip when they encountered a herd of cows, with horns, up the high street. Bob was somewhat panicky and clung on to himself while he safely dodged the mooers,

Pineapples growing in the grounds of the apartments.

Today we sat by our favourite beach shack Glosant. They have been advertising for a chef and waiters so we applied for the jobs! Mukesh Singh (him in charge) pictured below couldn't stop laughing! Hope they don't ask for a day s trial could be a tad hot in there it was 34c today

Note to self: need to agree a rate!

Sunday 8 March 2015

So relaxed

We've been here in India for seven weeks and are both feeling really relaxed. Many of our friends have gone home but we still have three couples who are with us til 17th. All have said 'well that's it back to reality' but this is reality! Anyone would think this is a fantasy world!? We have spent our time enjoying the warmth of both the weather and the Indian people.Day  to day living is interesting. Our fridge packed up yesterday and Zivan our landlord got a repairman out. In between time to stop the butterscotch crunch ice cream melting he took it upstairs to some Russians who graciously gave it is back - himself speaks fluent Russian you know . 
Last night some local Indian friends came round for a cup of tea, yes really. Suku and John came over with some Chicken Xacuti and for dessert pancakes filled with coconut and cinnamon. Suku bought me some Kashmiri chillis and himself her homemade masala mix & a bottle of homemade wine. Himself made some Indian style bubble & squeak to go with it

I've been sleeping like a log
Getting 9 hours straight through, rather than my usual 5 - 6. I put it down to the mattress on the bed being made of coir which is coconut husks. Apparently it aids sleep. I remember a customer at Mikes Bedshop asking about them as he and his wife had got the best nights sleep in Thailand on a coir mattress.  

Thursday 5 March 2015

Festival of Holi

Today Goa goes bananas!
The festival of Holi is a spring festival of colour and love when everyone has high spirits, in more ways than one, and plays pranks, sings dances and throws paint powder everywhere!?!

Just some of the lovely handprints we had to put on the wall of the bar! Needless to say it was a swimsuit day and dip in the sea afterwards
Just like being back at play school really 
Then lots of Indian food and a stunning sunset 

Wednesday 4 March 2015

A load of bull

It's been a busy day on the beach, you never know what will cross your path. The locals are all getting ready for a bull fight, not like the Spanish variety - this lot chase each other and send the spectators into a mad panic.
These water buffalo were headed for the river that is just behind the beach, but one escaped
He just loved the sea
there was no getting him out, in fact they left him for half an hour and he was up to his neck in the waves. They use the buffalo milk in the beach shacks, it's very rich and creamy.

I walk miles up and down the beach - most people have a chat, local clothes sellers, mobile jewellers the all of a sudden I thought these guys were after me, but then they turned round and dashed back, it was a lifeguards trials event.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Out celebrating

No time to blog, just off celebrating having been headhunted while on my sunbed for a great new job! Result!
More tomorrow....  

Sunday 1 March 2015

Hells bells - it's raining!

We saw a few clouds yesterday afternoon, the first we've seen for about 5 weeks, and on checking BBC weather on my phone saw the forecast for thunder, lightening and heavy rain! Thought I'd picked up the forecast for Evesham by mistake, needless to say they were right. At about 4 in the morning all hell broke lose. I can't remember ever seeing an electric storm quite like it, and the rain - well it filled the pool up and hammered down til about 7am.
Needless to say it woke all the neighbourhood dogs, cats, chipmunks, and has probably roused all the Cobras, pythons etc from their slumber across the field to the beach! 
Today saw the departure of 12 Russian ladies, I'm being very polite they looked like a bunch of Romanian gypsies. Think charity shop mismatched sale rail! The one 'lady" wore men's socks, bikini 2 sizes too small with ample beer gut and sported an umbrella on the beach. I was itching to take a picture but didn't have the courage fearing a bloody nose.

Ok you guys let me know what these big pods are and I will bring you some back! I expect the "blue ropers '( or was it no hopers)  Thatch quiz team might know ha  ha .