Sunday 1 March 2015

Hells bells - it's raining!

We saw a few clouds yesterday afternoon, the first we've seen for about 5 weeks, and on checking BBC weather on my phone saw the forecast for thunder, lightening and heavy rain! Thought I'd picked up the forecast for Evesham by mistake, needless to say they were right. At about 4 in the morning all hell broke lose. I can't remember ever seeing an electric storm quite like it, and the rain - well it filled the pool up and hammered down til about 7am.
Needless to say it woke all the neighbourhood dogs, cats, chipmunks, and has probably roused all the Cobras, pythons etc from their slumber across the field to the beach! 
Today saw the departure of 12 Russian ladies, I'm being very polite they looked like a bunch of Romanian gypsies. Think charity shop mismatched sale rail! The one 'lady" wore men's socks, bikini 2 sizes too small with ample beer gut and sported an umbrella on the beach. I was itching to take a picture but didn't have the courage fearing a bloody nose.

Ok you guys let me know what these big pods are and I will bring you some back! I expect the "blue ropers '( or was it no hopers)  Thatch quiz team might know ha  ha .

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