Tuesday 10 March 2015

Getting around

Well you may have wondered how we get around ,and this , along with Albert & Candido's taxis is our mode of transport.
We decided to rent the scooter for our last three weeks. It really takes me back to my youth, we had a Lambretta back in the days of mods & rockers. (Kids you'll need to Google that)
We had a christening ceremony, remains of a Kingfisher, and named her QE2, which has now been shortened to Black Betty. We've had a few moments- himself has endeavoured to get into the zone with the locals, who are all quite obviously tepathicly connected. We did have a moment with a local who had a full length ladder on his push bike, he came round the corner and nearly had us off, but himself being an old HGV class 1 driver manoeuvred us safely away. Today himself took Bob one of our neighbours into  Varca on a shopping trip when they encountered a herd of cows, with horns, up the high street. Bob was somewhat panicky and clung on to himself while he safely dodged the mooers,

Pineapples growing in the grounds of the apartments.

Today we sat by our favourite beach shack Glosant. They have been advertising for a chef and waiters so we applied for the jobs! Mukesh Singh (him in charge) pictured below couldn't stop laughing! Hope they don't ask for a day s trial could be a tad hot in there it was 34c today

Note to self: need to agree a rate!

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