Wednesday 11 March 2015

Gone Fishing

Nice barracuda!

We went just down the tracks on Black Betty to another part of our 20 mile beach and supplies were just being bought in.

You can see the dodgy old bridge over the river between the sand and the ocean. I was ok going but this afternoon we ended up with three local dogs including Ken Dog escorting us over the bridge and a flee bitten one we call Sprinker (obvious reasons) happened to brush alongside me nearly sending me into this stinky  bog which the other dogs swim through, poo .I think the dogs like himself he always talks to them, they wag their tails then follow him squeezing under his sun bed. It must be the low snoring noise that they like!!!
One of himselfs gang of growlers, they love a swim in the sea.

Our friends Irene & Bob from Welshpool left yesterday  we miss our afternoon laughs. 
For John & Denise we went to Pedro"s again. Nothing's changed great reggae and more weird dancers which included this four!

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