Tuesday 28 January 2014

My Blog by himself - old fossils, and some funnies

This is himself speaking, any mistakes I don’t care!

We decided to have breakfast this morning on the roof terrace, it was great to see the hustle and bustle starting in the city of Chennai. You know how busy its getting by the number of times car horns are sounding every second. Herself (she who must be obeyed) decided to have a change  of diet for breakfast  and had a vegetarian omelette, I stuck to the normal bowl of thickener aka porridge.

 We picked our belongings up and after an uneventful stay in the smallest room decided it was time /safe to go.

Just for a change we went to see a load of old fossils, not the living sort, in the Government Museum which turned out to be quite interesting.  On leaving the museum about 100 immaculately turned out cheery school girls arrived, and we spent the next two minutes walking along the line saying Hi.  Everybody wanted to say Hello, to the embarrassment of the teachers.

Herself , never wanting to miss the opportunity of experiencing the local culture, made a visit to the powder room.  She said there were no doors on the “squatters” and promptly slipped on the very wet clean floor, narrowly avoiding disaster but damaged one of her expensive diamond flip flops.  She was horrified to see the diamond disappearing down the hole!  Anyway, long story short, I ended up taking herself shoe buying again.  The three assistants attending to her feet asked why I didn’t join in on the discussion!  All is well herself has new shoes, I have new shorts and shirts from and very nice western mall  

 I treated herself to a mango ice cream
 .  We had lunch at Woodlands Vegetarian Restaurant.  Herself opted for the South Indian Thali £1.20 and I had the Special Thali, £1.50 and in no particular order this is what we had:
Spice Tomato Soup with Croutons,
4 Poppadum
Yellow Lentil Fry, Plain yoghurt, Coconut & Poppy Seed sweet sauce
Okra Curry with mild Spices
Tomato & Turmeric  Curry
Brinja (maybe aubergine stuffed with Onions, Chili & garlic topped with poppy seeds,
2 Chapattis, Gunpowder pickle
Paddy field of boiled rice,
Gallupjamons (aka Elephant balls) &  coconut mango & pineapple set in a jelly
Fresh fruit Salad & Ice Cream
Herself didn’t get any deserts in her menu, and the waiter said there was no sharing – so I didn’t!!
In exchange for which she’s had all the hot water tonight, happy days……..

 We are getting ready for the next leg of our adventure to the Andaman & Nicobar islands via Port Blair.  We fly tomorrow at 10.30 am.
If there is no sign of a blog for a few days it will be because of communication problems, but rest assure we will do catch up.
To finish and as I am charge of the blog tonight, I thought you might be interested in a few signs seen on the back of autorickshaws,  getting the drivers to use the meter is a Vatican certified miracle!
My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter
Leprosy is curable and a sign by a whopping hole in the road, by cow corner , “Manhole Plumbing – Most regrettable”  bye for now Himself xx

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