Saturday 17 January 2015

Arrived safely

We arrived in Dubai Emerates hub, what a place that is, and had time for a quck glass of cider.  Himself said to sip it slowly, it cost an arm and a leg I guess, but agricultural champagne is very refreshing.  We boarded our flight to Chennai to find that the crying baby had followed us, so little sleep was had. Food and service was excellent the stewardess even took baby for a wander!. Our hotel is half an hour from the airport and the taxi ddriver took several bookings on his iphone 6 whilst dodging the traffic. Were round the corner from Egmore Station, and tried to get our Indian sim cards updated, but alas too late on Friday.
We did however buy two new watches after mine threw a wobbly and wouldnt set and himself forgot his???? A tad tacky but for 3.50 for the two who cares
Off for a swim now, its just cooling down to 24c at 4.46 pm see you on my birthday xx

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