Friday 23 January 2015

Quiet time and the opticians

We decided to pop into Margoa this morning to get some new glasses for me, and three repair jobs for himself. "Comagain" our taxi driver ( well something like that anyway) had to get some petrol, and those of you with good eyesight will see it's just 54 rupees (54p) a litre.
I took my prescription into Lawrence & Mayo and whilst choosing some glasses, we girls can't decide can we, himself showed the technician 3 pairs, one he sat on, beyond economic repair according to spec savers, two fallen apart, and all were repaired f o c cleaned and with new cases. 
We had to send an important letter to the UK and the post office manager gave us the envelope wrote out our postcode from memory and charged us £10 for swift delivery within 2 days - we wait and see!
Back to the beach, sand kept beautifully clean by the blue ladies who walk miles picking up seaweed, litter etc which is picked up by the bin men in the afternoon. On the way back we walk along a country track and a black Goan Porker ran across the path into the field, it's very rural here. To get his attention I whistled and the damn thing must have thought we were going to feed him. I ran like hell, himself will never make a good burglar, the pig nearly caught him up, oh how we laughed. Think this calls for a gin & tonic

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