Wednesday 21 January 2015

Gorgeous Goa

It's been a busy few days but we're here again in glorious Goa. We left Chennai a little lare our taxi was running behind time so we hailed a small cab.
As you can see it was a tad cramped in the cab but we got to the airport and our two flights were faultless and got fed free on both., and arrived on time in our extra leg room seats.
Albert our taxi driver picked us up and whisked us back to our lovely apartment telling us lots of news from last year.
Rush hour on the beach was just a herd of cows.
It's incredibly quiet here there have been 995 flights from Russia cancelled, 40,000 cancelled holidays - great for us but pretty tragic for the hotels and bar trade. The Indians are very worried - so are the Cowboys lol. 
So what's not to like here, a Bostin cup of tea, 30c sunshine, clean beaches, fab food, the sea like a freshly drawn bath with sea minerals - pure bliss!. Meeting up with six friends from last year for supper  to catch up on the goss.

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