Tuesday 27 January 2015

Heretage home

The village we are staying in is very small, everyone knows everyone, and although we have been here just a week people acknowledge you in the street with a "good morning" or "how are you today"? Even the pigs give us a grunt when we pass.
Whilst at the grocery store the manager asked us if we would like to go to the village show. How could we refuse, so with a couple of friends Denise and Liverpool John we bought our tickets , 50p each including a free sweet.  It was supposed to start at 8 pm, nothing happened, so we went for light refreshment in the local bar, where even we could have had credit if we wished. It was very busy so John helped serve behind the bar , the locals loved it. 

We walked back to the show which was a mix of comedy, music and drama, with a full orchestra to add to the excitement. We couldn't understand a word, but some of the stand up comedy had them all rolling in the aisles with laughter. All this under a huge canvas tent, with seating for 300 in the middle of a field. We slipped away when no one was looking. 

On the beach today I made several purchases of great value ( don't tell himself it must be our secret!)
Precious stones, jade, amethyst, pearls, and diamonds all set in solid silver, oh my lord how did I keep a straight face, its always nice to have a bit of local jewellery, don't think I shall need to declare these. 

This evening we were invited to our landlords rather majestic home. It is a traditional Goan heritage home that is over 400 years old and we were delighted to look around this truly beautiful property and were served drinks and refreshments, whilst being made very welcome.

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