Friday 27 February 2015

Beach life

Quite a lot happens on this beach. The local fishermen launch their boats, many hewn out of tree trunks like this one, sewn together with rope, cross stitched and coated with tar

They go out late at night and bring the catch in at dawn, about 6.30 am here. I haven't been up that early this year!
Then the ladies get to carry the fish pots on their heads to their 'shop'
Just behind the fish stall they sell fish curry & rice for 60p and I'm told it's very good.
There are lots of water sports;the Indians love a good soaking on the banana rides and scream and shout for more, most of them are fully clothed which seems a bit odd to us, and the Sikhs wear their turbans. 
The Arabian Sea is full of shellfish, prawns and bigger fish too. I had a tasty prawn stir fry for lunch with a cold Kingfisher beer
And here's the other sort of Kingfisher

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