Saturday 16 January 2016

4 Airports in one day

We started our day at Birmingham airport our sterling driver 'coughing Ken' delivered us in style. We booked into the Aspire Lounge and I got chatting to the Indian receptionist Rajhid and explained we were going to miss our grandbaby being born. I also said I was starving and had skipped breakfast. Ok he said,would you like a bacon roll I can get some from the staff canteen, we thought he was joking but 10 mins later he appeared with four  crispy bacon rolls and brown sauce, what a star! 

As luck would have it we were surrounded by crying babies all the way to Dubai. We got our Emirates connection after a short G & T break and arrived at Mumbai 2 .5 hours later to the new terminal which is  just beautiful
 It has 90 gates all spectacularly decorated. We arrived in Goa and Albert our taxi driver greeted us, and bless him he even bought our breakfast supples, a bottle of gin and some tonics, and gave us his phone till our new SIM cards arrive. . True  Indian  hospitality. Weather on arrival 32c and that big yellow ball we don't seem to see at home .

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