Tuesday 19 January 2016

Shopping and the beach

Varca beach the quietist we've ever seen

After the birth of Isabelle yesterday we have spent most of the day showing our friends her picture. 
We went shopping into Varca for some essentials and to the petrol station for the scooter, and even though it's only two miles it wasn't without the odd hazard. On the way a big wild boar ran across and on the way back we played dodge the cows.  I'm not as adept as the Indians using my phone to take pictures and still hang on - yet! 
Lunch was with a couple of Ausies who are coming out with us tonight to Pedros Reggae night.
By the way Petrol is 45 p a litre here and 16 bananas 24 p. Limes for the gin were 3p each and the gins gone up to £1.90 a bottle - tough eh ?!

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