Friday 22 January 2016

Rural Varca

Lots of our friends seem to think we are staying in a dusty barren place. That couldn't be further from the truth. The area is lush and green from the summer monsoon with no water shortages here and we have solar heating for our water
Behind our apartment there are buffalo grazing and on our ride down the track to the beach we found "Rasher" again and he's looks to have a new family of four black piglets, they ran off in all directions. 
The Goans eat a lot of pork! 

The beaches are very quiet this year, it seems that tourists arnt coming to Goa. However, there are lots of Brits our age and younger here, who come to escape the cold winters. In our complex there are  five couples who have been coming for years. We get together in Glorios beach shack. Today one of the group said they just fancied some HP sauce and Gary conjoured a bottle from his rucksack. You can't ask this lot for the wrong thing!
Today the temperature was 34c dropping to a cool 24 at night. Daybreak is 7.15 and sunset is 6.30. It's light till 6.25 and then within 5 minutes it's pitch black.
In the evenings we walk down to the local restaurants, there's a choice of nine or ten, and the food is pretty good,all do carry outs if you want to stay in. 
Last night we had Albert (taxi driver) pick us up with Suzanna and James to go to Joes Cove for dinner and some dancing.

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