Sunday 31 January 2016

Two Weddings and a Confirmation

Sunday morning and we're admiring the view from our bedroom balcony at daybreak  (7-15) the birds are singing, buffalo grazing, and pigs having a wallow in the watering hole while we drink our Kenco. 
Today we've been invited to Joshua's confirmation, one of the villas has a wedding today so it's all going on. 
The gardens are being transformed by an event specialist. 
Joshua is looking very smart, gone are the jeans and trainers of yesterday.
We met some really interesting people, including a local dignitary who had just done 2 months in prison (all a big mistake ;) of course ) the same prison that he laid the foundation stone for five years previously! 
We also met some members of the local Harley Davidson Goan chapter and himself has decided to exchange the "chicken chaser" for a hog. Good job I packed the bandana then. 

We made a tactical exit and went down to a shady spot on the beach, where Wedding no 2 is about to begin st 5pm. 
As you know there are he haves and the have nots here in India, and we're certainly in the company of the haves. 

The rusty bridge has a new carpet, the beach  has a new carpet and everything is on a very grand scale 

Unfortunately the wedding planner didn't advise the cows who wander along the beach on their own :)
Roving reporter signing off 
PS tomorrow we fly to Pune 

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