Friday 13 February 2015

Friday 13th came a day early - Varanasi

Having had a very nice stay in Jaipur we left our hotel The Flute Boutique before breakfast for our two flights to Varanasi via Delhi. At the airport we were told that our first flight was delayed, but not til they got us through to departures. Then there was an announcement to say our second flight was cancelled. So stuck in departures we were told by extremely helpful staff that there were no flights with Spicejet for five days! There was no wifi, and himself, the most placid bloke I've ever known, apart from my Dad, spent 3 hours trying to book flights by phone. You've all spoken to Indian call centres, he said multiply it by ten!
We got to Delhi, went by bus to the other terminal 10 minutes away and eventually booked the only flight available the following day - Friday 13th. There were just five seats left - but all in business - big exhale. I can't tell you how much this lot and the hotel cost. But himself said hey it's only money - yer right the kids will understand the shortfall in the inheritance.

So here we are, the place is the dustiest, grim, God forsaken place, the taxi drive was like the Indian version of the wacky races, and Honeybourne potholes have got nothing on this place. We turned a corner and in a peaceful street an oasis, our Hotel Buddah.
After a quick freshen up, as we now only have two days here, we went on a trip down The Ganges- what we saw was quite unbelievable.

Never seen so many people trying to get to one place

Buddhist monks blessing the river

Ranjeed selling flowers and candles to offer to the river. We bought three in memory of our Dads and Mum which we floated off as the ceremony began.

View across the River
We were on the river from 4- 7.30pm, there was nothing much floating, they don't float the bodies down, contrary to popular belief, they just chuck the ashes in.
Off for dinner, maybe curry again, more tomorrow. Remind me to tell you about the loos, or maybe that's just too much information.

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