Tuesday 17 February 2015

Modern Mumbai - Bustling Bombay

After the dust and grime of Varanasi it was a real treat after two Air Indigo flights to land in modern Mumbai. It's a city of two halves, high rise skyscrapers for the haves, and slums for the have nots. The have nots all work, they have to in India, maybe menial jobs, but still work. We could learn a lot from their work ethic, no wonder a small city like Varanasi had a massive university complex over 1.7 miles with 50-70,000 students all working to escape hardship for a better life in India or abroad. No government funding for students and steep entry costs ensure students are committed to work.
No one starves here either, we've watched food stall-owners give food to beggars wherever we've been.
The is the renown Mumbai Dhobi (laundry)

Only men work here , there are 40 troughs for washing/ rinsing and clothes dry in the open, then are pressed. It's right at the side of the Bombay railway line, picture taken on the railway bridge. We would have liked a glimpse of the main station, but traffic congestion and crowds didn't permit.
Our driver said our personal laundry would not be going there as it wasn't clean enough. Good news for us then. The laundry service has been pretty efficient . On our travels we've just got time to send our mucky stuff on our arrival day to ensure it gets back before we leave. Ten items usually costs a out £2 washed , ironed and folded.
Selfie by The  Gateway to India
Didn't really need to take the pic myself, a roving photographer took this for 50p outside Taj Mahal Hotel

Great technology!

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