Friday 20 February 2015

Not another Dry Day?

Well here we are dry days continuing, the local school trip to Daulatabad Fort  and teachers who insisted that Himself waved the flag for Shivas Wedding. Ironically he didn't realise he was waving the flag for a no alcohol day.     The kids all called us Aunty and uncle.

The fort was built to keep Muslims at bay, there was a huge moat to keep elephant riding soldiers away, but it fell to the Deccan in 1210, at that time it was the capital city and the entire population of Dehli came here.

Fort walls were 63 m high

Cannons used to repel the enemy 
While we were looking around the caves we met up with Al who was meditating and washing in some pure water he'd found. There was a stunning little frog with fluorescent eyes swimming in there. We had quite a chat, meeting him really made our day!
Aurangabad caves carved out in the 5-6th century

And so to the  mini  Taj Mahal, built in 1600s as a mausoleum , such a baking hot day and had to remove our shoes to go inside. It really was like walking on hot coals, I've never seen himself move so fast.

Cave carvings in Elora

Tomorrow we fly back to Goa. I'll be really glad to get back to cool sea breezes. If you saw yesterday's blog with my ramblings about food fantasies I've decided I'm going shopping for lamb, veg and bacon & beans. I know John & Denice have been drip feeding themselves the delights of heinz beans for 40 days! 
Blog returns Monday, will FaceTime family over the weekend x

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