The Rajagiri Victor hospital is only ten minutes away from our apartment. It has state of the art Spiral CT and 1.5 Tesla MRI, 4 well equipped state of the art Operating theatres with Laminar air flow, just two more than Worcester Royal.
Richard used their services last year when he had two blocked ears, which were pumped out in half an hour. As I have had a series of mishaps, collapsed lung, ruptured spleen and pneumonia after my major surgery last year I decided I would spend a day having an Executive Preventative Health Care Package. When I telephoned for an appointment they said I could come in three days time as I would need to be alcohol free for that time and would need to fast for 12 hours.
Albert picked me up early, 7.15 am as the traffic is busy in the city.

I arrived at the hospital at 7.45 am, the first early morning I've had for jonks, and no coffee either to get me started. I think I could live without a drink but not without a good cup of coffee
I registered, took my samples and then went for a blood test. They do a full blood, liver function, uric acid, serum reatinine, calcium lipid profile, cholestrol, blood group typing. Urine analysis, stool test, PAP Smear test,ECG, Cardio Stress Test, Complete Abdominal and Pelvic Scan, Chest X ray, full physical test and consultation with a physician. Gyno consultation, and results talked through with your Consultant at the end.
My tests ended at about 1.30pm and my appointment with my consultant was at 3.45 by which time all the results were in.
I met up with a couple from Portsmouth, a couple from Scotland and a lady from Sussex who were all having health checks. It was a really nice bunch to be with, we had a lot of laughs, especially when the boys in the group had drunk their litre of water all in one go before the bladder scan and couldn't go to the loo :)
We all had tales to tell of our wonderful NHS and were all out here in India, a so called third world county having a brilliant health check for 3500 rupees about £43.00. We were treated with dignity and respect and given our breakfast of one cheese sandwich one tomato sandwich , crust cut off and a cup of tea (ahhh still no coffee) After breakfast we had another blood test two hours later to see how our bodies handled the food intake.
As I had time to spare I decided to go to a local Spa and had a manicure and pedicure while I waited and as I was a bit hungry I nipped to a cake shop near the hospital for a nice chocky brownie
I got back for my appointment with my Consultant who went through the pages of test results and also gave me my ECG read outs, X-rays etc and he said that all was well apart from slightly raised cholesterol which is amazingly good news for me