Saturday 11 March 2017

They've gone - bananas

Ever since I found out that there are about 110 different types of bananas, I've always been fascinated by them.  In the UK we only get the long ones from the Caribbean, but here they come in all shapes, sizes and tastes.  Some are wonderfully sweet, others not so.

About six weeks ago while on our travels, I spotted some bananas that were just bursting from the pod, and I've been watching them ever since as they've grown.  The trouble is this morning on the way along the path we met John & Linda who have also spotted the bananas, and they say the owner of the field says they belong to the hotel over the wall, but could John have a taste and see what they're like?!

Himself has had to get his cooking head on again, always one for a challenge, he decided to make some banana fritters, which I have to say were more than nice!  He served them with a honey glaze and a large dollop of vanilla ice cream - lush!  I'll keep you posted on the ripening fruits......

 Tomorrow we have more friends departing.  Inga & Fez have been here since December as their home in Toronto is pretty cold.  Even in March its still -12.  We have been out to dinner with them quite a few times and they are great company,  They met in England when they were youngsters, Fez had left Dehli and Inga had left Germany and got married in London.
In December they bought family back to India for Christmas.  Fez told me today that when they go back to Dehli en route to Toronto, they want to stop off to see if his old school is still there.  I had a quick Google and there it was the Anglo Arabic School near the Red Fort.
Image result for anglo arabic school in delhi
The school was established in 1690, making it one of the oldest in India, by Ghazuiddin Khan the deccan commander general of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.
Image result for anglo arabic school in delhi
 We had a last meal with Inga & Fez, and Bob and Kath, our next door neighbours.  Himself is gradually driving Kath & Bob mad with the aromas coming from our kitchen.

Newsflash:  just heard "yes, yes, yes, get in there!" from our neighbours balcony, I only hope they're
watching the Manchester city match!!

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