Saturday 4 March 2017

Saturday day 41

Yesterday we went for our weekly shop, himself has had a chat to the local Beef Butcher, yes, there’s a Pork butcher and a Chicken butcher too, all in different shops so that there’s no cross contamination, and there is no cooked meat in any of the shops.  We have Beef  sirloin steaks £1.20 for 4 , Calves liver 80p and beef mince for 80p per kilo.  We had a couple of the steaks for dinner last night and they were good! 

  Shopping is a bit precarious on the bike, a bag of fruit, a pineapple, 6 ripe mangos, a Melon, potatoes for baking, onions, okra etc plus a dozen eggs, always loose in a plastic bag, 4 cans of beer, washing powder, milk, brown bread,  two colouring books , crayons pencils, ruler and sharpener, no not for me, for two precious kids we see every day  etc was a startling £9 .
Lovely Hindu lady who lives with her two boys and husband in something the size of our large shed.

At one of the beach bars that we go to there was a problem with the loo seat.  Malcom X (we know absolutely nothing about this guy apart from the fact he’s here for 6 months talks to everyone, helps the bar boys out, organises the fridge and keeps the loo cleaned to European standards) got very cross that the Indians from a local hotel had abused the seat and ripped it from its fixings, so he did no more that went into Varca to the local hardware shop, on his pushbike and bought a new one, not quite matching the existing suite, however it suits the purpose.  As he had no way of transporting it back he put his head through it with the lid falling over his shoulders and apparently was the talk of the village, I’d have loved a photo!  Honestly you couldn’t make it up

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