Wednesday 15 March 2017

Big fish to fry and sailing

We are getting into the last week of our wonderful visit to Goa and decided to go on another day out with our friends Kath & Bob.  The weather was a little cloudy which was great for a change.  I can honestly say we see very few clouds, but the months are passing and the heat and humidity  is building from now until the monsoon starts in June and continues until mid October, a bit like our British summer!

The views along the river are quite spectacular with many high flying Indians having homes here.
Our boat takes us out to sea to do a bit of dolphin spotting.  The boat boys get on their phones to the fishermen and ask if they've seen any this morning and where they might be.  After about ten minutes we were delighted by two pods of dolphins, one  pod were  small black ones, the others were grey with pink noses.  I take my photos with an iPhone so getting shots of such fast moving dolphins is a bit tricky, but today I was lucky.
 There are masses of fish in the Arabian sea,  Early yesterday morning when the sea was unusually calm, we had a long swim and found ourselves out in the middle of a big shoal of fish.  There were sea eagles diving in all around us and we rather hoped that the dolphins might make an early morning visit for breakfast, but sadly not.

Back to the boat and fishing trip, the sun burnt through the cloud by about eleven and people were pulling fish aboard and look at this one that I caught!  How I will get this in a 7 inch frying pan is going to be a bit of a problem - tricky...its a King fish.
Actually, it was cut into steaks and we had it along with Tiger prawns, veg curry & rice for lunch.
Another super day out with Kath and Bob, our neighbours here in Goa.

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