I saw on yesterday's news that a young English woman had been killed in Canacona, not far from here. Its a particularly beautiful area with the Netravali Wildlife Park and quiet beautiful beaches nearby. Sadly there will always be drink & drugs wherever you go in our world.
We forget how vulnerable we can all be in such quiet beautiful places. I walk for about an hour each morning along some extremely quiet stretches of beach, but have never felt unsafe. I usually see Jean from Newcastle who walks for about three hours on her own, every day and stops for a chat.There are lots of single women who happily holiday here and find friends. Oddly enough when you meet up with other Brits they usually want to talk about their experiences not only in Goa but all their visits to interesting sites and cities in India. That's why so many keep coming back, its easy India here, not too much poverty and few beggars.
I will also never understand those that say life is cheap in India. The Indians certainly don't think so,
perhaps they mean there are no penalties for causing death, or unregulated working practices, but if you think back 50 years our countries had the same problems. The Indian government now has a much better recycling system, with penalties, however the litter problems are still the same.
These two had been collecting water bottles from the bars along the beach, and I know from our trips on Indian rail everything is taken and recycled even down to the newspapers and meal trays.
This evening we have just seen a mass of people in the field at the back of us an its turned out to be an illegal bull fight
Hundreds of people turned up so we got the old binoculars out to see what was going on. These are the sort of bulls, and today there was a white and a big black one, but the black one ran off before the match got started. Even the ice cream boy turned up on his bike!
There were people running after the bulls in both directions and then we saw a fox with a big bushy tail - happy days!
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