Tuesday 7 March 2017

A place to stay for Ken & Gay

Oh, and for Di & Dave too. Hear you are coming to India for an assault on the senses:)

On our way over the sand dunes to one particular beach we pass this beautiful residence.  We hadn't been to this beach for four or five days and the gent in the hat said he'd missed us!   We didn't realise that we were being clocked in and out.
We had a particularly protracted conversation with the owner of this glorious property, he spoke only good morning English.  He kept showing us his neck, we said it looked okay to us,  but he kept mumbling stuff to us so in the end we just wandered off.
The Honeybourne Four, this is a place that locally is used by Cocks & Kings hahaha

  Later we found out from hatman that it was rice cooking in the big pot on the fire.  Staff meals for the lifeguards apparently, but who knows, I'm not eating rice today just in case.

We have chatted to a local Hindu family, they live in a room along the beach path that is about as big as our garden shed, they are wonderful.  Always clean, with just one tap to use for all the four "houses" happy and contented with their lot.

We always say Hi to the kids and the biggest of the two boys with the pearl necklace(?) always blows his whistle and I whistle back, just a game but its a connection between two totally different worlds.  Today we took them some crayons, colouring books, writing books,  pencils, sharpener and ruler for pre-school.  I think giving money is a bit crass and at least the kids get something useful.

I think its the season when the Indians fire the land because today we were a bit shocked to find a fire very close to the bike- yikes!

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