Tuesday 21 March 2017

The last post....

Well this is going to be the last post for this visit to Goa.
Friends have said what will you miss most and I think the birdsong in the morning when the sun rises over the palm trees, the congregation at the village church singing, peacocks runninng over the field,  the warm breezes that fill the evening air, waving to the local children who all shout "Hi" and wave back, talking to the local people who live in Varca village, and how they love to gossip!

 You always expect the unexpected, cows & pigs wandering across the roads, buffalo taking walks along the beach
Fishermen and their wonderful boats
Prices of fruit and veg, all very cheap, potatoes and carrots at 15p a kilo, and beautiful mango and pineapples at pennies.
I shall also miss our friends who return here year after year.  The are all rebooking so that we can enjoy the fun again next year.  There are some wonderful characters who lead busy lives back in the UK and let off steam when they get here.
I will also miss those wonderful early morning rides on the scooter, nothing on the back roads to the beach that stretches 35k, although I won't miss our "soft sand" incidents.
My bananas have not ripened, I can't believe that I have watched these for 8 weeks and they are still green!
India never fails to excite the senses, views, smells, some good, some pretty alarming but always interesting, and if you get the chance to come you won't be disappointed.

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