Thursday 16 January 2014

Bazaar purchases

After dinner out with Steve and Ann, the boys decided they would go for a shave this morning. 
We had an early start as Amelia the maid rang the door bell at 8.15 to see that everything was ok with yesterday’s cleaning and pick up some bits and pieces.  Himself duly returned with his chin streaming with blood, much to the horror of Nepal the security guard who said he’d had a very close shave.  30 rupees (30p) the  princely sum that was paid for a double shave with a finish of some highly irritating facial lotion which apparently also worked as an exfoliant.

  Later we went shopping in Margoa , I’m getting really bored with going to the beach, warm sunny days and long cold drinks –  well maybe not.  Anyway, a change is as good as a rest .  Himself always has a list, usually food orientated, today was no exception.  I seem to spend half my time on holiday looking for the best saffron and vanilla pods etc., , which we bought quite quickly .  However, I did have a bit of a wobble in the shoe market.  Dozens of stalls full of shoes, there were thousands of pairs and I ended up buying a couple of pairs of flip flops, one with genuine diamonds!  Himself purchased a  holdall to take all the purchases back in and some most unusual shorts – pictures to follow, if he’ll let me!

Graham, this is the unique business opportunity that youve always wanted - and the seller even threw in the bike as well.  Well located property in up and coming area, on busy bus route, in need of a little tlc  xx

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for thinking of me. Looks a great opportunity. Make an offer for me but don't goo too mad. How many stars has it got? Whats the bike like? Will be on next plane out.

    Have fun and keep those legs covered up Richard.

    V & G & Cato xxx
