Friday 17 January 2014

Telepathically connected

Steve and Anns house

Two couples that we know both ride scooters out here, but we are convinced that you have to be telepathically connected, as no one looks right when they pull out of a junction!  The cars pull out in front of trucks, buses etc., and the vehicles all slow down.   Unfortunately the pigs and dogs are not on the same wavelength and cause chaos.  We declined our friends offer to wedge us three up on the pillion, local style, and got a rickshaw to the beach instead.
There were classes of school children on the beach today, singing songs, playing cricket, in fact the pitches are all marked out along the beach.  The children are immaculately turned out in their uniforms all with their ID around their necks.  They have to go to school 5 ½ days a week, yes Saturday mornings are included, Ollie & Jack you’ve got it easy!
I wont be blogging tomorrow as its my birthday, but just to say thank you for all the cards, I will open them in the morning, and for the presents too.  Himself has bought a cake, we don’t have an oven so could not insist on him making me one!  He also says to tell you that the wound inflicted by the barber when he sneezed is healing nicely.

                                            Leather flip flops a bargain at £1 each!


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