Sunday 19 January 2014

Birthday Blog

The egg man blows his bicycle horn at 7 .20 every morning, he has a huge basket of  delicious  white eggs at 40 rupees (40p) a dozen.  So yesterday morning I was up with the crows to open my birthday cards.
 I did intend to dance like a diva, drink like a student and sleep like a baby, but thought I really should act my age,
 It was a pretty normal day, rickshaw to the beach, prawn biryani for lunch and then out for the evening with friends who are staying nearby. Would you believe it they used to have a unit down on Honeybourne airfield!  We knew all the same places and some mutual friends – how weird is that?

This morning we woke to the sound of hymn singing and a marching band from the local Catholic Church; they are a very religious people in Goa, most people go to church on Sunday, they have 3 masses with 350 people at each in our village alone. It’s the festival of St Sebastian and there’s to be a parade through the village tonight.

Today we chatted to three very senior Brits who were telling us about their adventures around India. They have been coming here for nearly 60 years.  I asked them where they were staying and they answered in unison “Barking dog corner”.
I walk for miles along the beach every day and today the Police beach patrol were supervising a game of cricket – what else is there to do?  Well apparently the Russian ladies like to go topless, which is a complete no no here.  One was fined £50 for walking along the road from the beach in a very skimpy bikini and what was described by one of the beach hawkers as an eye patch for the bottoms!

Everyone loves to talk, the lifeguards always say hello Momma to me, and Nepal the security guard loves to have a chat.  Himself told him we were going skinny dipping last night in the dark and asked him if we could borrow his torch.  Bless him, he went into the guardhouse to find one – I had to tell him we were having a laugh. This afternoon when we came home Nepal had a very short haircut, himself asked him where he had it done and he said that damn barber who got you!

Circus comes to our beach shack

Festival of St Sebastian

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