Saturday 25 January 2014

Chennai (Madras), Hot, manic, but magical

We got to the airport in Goa at 4.30 am, it was a real trial, especially as we have not been up before 9am most days.
The airport was busy and apparently everyone was checked in, so we took off  with the very efficient Air India 15 minutes early and even got upgraded seats

Because of that we arrived in Chennai in rush hour.  Boy was it manic!  It was a bit like a demolition derby but worse.  We are confident they are telepathic, seven lanes of traffic on a three lane highway!  To make things worse our pre-paid government taxi driver spoke limited English and when he handed me his phone with all the numbers worn off and asked me to ring the hotel for directions I thought it was time to take things in hand.  Out with the I phone and job done.

Our hotel is an oasis in the middle of a manic metropolis.  Having spent a quiet two weeks on the beach we cant believe how busy it is.  Our room is splendid, the first thing we did was sit on the bed and there was some give! Result, comfy bed, lovely room, wifi, but no alcohol served!

Richard has been unwell, you could say he met the gravy train, but several Imodium later we left the hotel on foot for a local temple.  We were briefly interrupted by a rickshaw driver , while I was scraping the cow muck off my flipflop, who said he had a Ferrari and did we want showing round.  A guided tour for £4, how could we resist. We toured two Temples, the Basilica, the Tomb of St Thomas,  fish market, compulsory arts and crafts shop and the biggest beach in Asia, where 300 people lost their lives in the tsunami. 
Part of the guided tour, a Military
display for tomorrows celebrations.

Picture at the top of the blog is Kapaleeswarar Temple, if you magnify the picture you will see some amazing detail.  While we were photographing it we me an American lady who was drawing the temple.  She greeted us like long lost friends when we said we were staying for 4 weeks, but then was very sad when we said we move on Wednesday.  She was the only other white face we have seen all day.

Himself is feeling better and decided on Egg & Chips for a safe option. This took some explaining but when it arrived it was hard boiled eggs, battered and deep fried, the chips were sprinkled with masala powder; heaven help us for breakfast!

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