Saturday 25 February 2017

Angie goes to Goa

When we realised Angie was coming to stay out here we thought we had better get some sort of itinerary ready for her.

Its always difficult to know how much to do, as jet lag, travelling and getting here all tire you out.
She arrived at Dabolim Airport 6.30 in the morning and was greeted by our friendly taxi driver Albert.  Angie said what a lovely man he was, telling her all about life in Goa on the forty minute drive.  She hadn’t gone to sleep overnight and when she started on the drive she couldn’t sleep because everything was so different. 

 Albert is a particularly good driver and we have never had any worries with his speed or passing abilities, but with narrow roads and all sorts of stuff on them, from push bikes, two wheelers, lorries, goats, cows and camels pulling carts, there are always a few “moments”.

We gave Angie 4 hours sleep, not really enough, but bless her heart, she was raring to go, but just a relaxing day on the beach was planned.  She was stunned how clean the beach and sea were, and how warm the sea  is, blood temperature.  She was also surprised that the Indians go into the sea in their clothes.  Most of India has never been to the beach, only the rich ones.  So ladies are in their stunning saris and the men roll their trouser legs up to take to the waters.  There is much whooping and whaling, and the very brave men go down to their underpants to brave the crashing white waves.  Quite a sight as you might guess.

Angie didn’t make dinner so slept from about 7pm to 8 am the following morning

Sunday we had a steady day again, different beach and himself went off to a lodge meeting in Ponda about an hour and a half away by Albert's Taxi.  He was fully suited and booted and said that he drank 6 litres of water during the evening, where he gave a speech as a visiting foreigner to the Grand Master of India, quite a privilege to do.

While he was away, Angie and I walked back from the beach and went out in the evening for dinner.  We had a lovely meal at Misha’s and she was amazed you can get a meal for two with drinks for about £8
Monday we went to the market and I wonder how the Indians will cope in 5 years when everyone wants a car instead of a two wheeler.  Theres no where to park now.  We bought tiger prawns, salad and fruit for a wonderful supper.

Tuesday we went to the beach and then to Pedros for a reggae night which was brilliant fun and super food.  The dancing is always interesting!!

Wednesday we went on the boat trip along the River Sal, seeing local fishing boats, some gorgeous houses, huge fruit bats and a trip into the bay to look for Dolphins, sadly they were all absent.

Thursday was Angies last day, she said goodbye to lots of our friends, she had her last dips into the Arabian Sea and dinner out before Albert took her to the Airport at 1.30 am on Friday morning.

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