Tuesday 7 February 2017

You couldn't make it up!

Every morning I go for a really good walk to improve my fitness, I try to do a bit more every day, but Goa has eventually got me.  I didn't realise at first but I found myself ambling along without a care in the world, the speed walking has definitely gone out the window.  Himself has also started to amble along with me too, he's got a bad back and feels that it might improve if he keeps mobile.
I love the writing on the wall at Dinas

We went down to Glorios Beach Shack yesterday and found that there was a marquee with tables and chairs over the road to the beach.  You'd never get away with building a marquee over a public road in the UK but I dont suppose it matters that much here.  We rode the bike through it!!  Apparently it was for Vernon's Confirmation,

Today we caught up with old friends Steve and Ann, it was wonderful to see them again, they were very worried about me last year.  We had a couple of pre-luncheon beers and caught up twelve months news.

We spent the day at the beach with lunch at Mamas Kitchen, Prawn Noodles for me and Chicken soup for himself.

We popped up to the shops for some essential supplies, having been here a couple of weeks himself is desperate to cook, and after Steve mentioned he had Bangers and Mash on the plane he went for a shufty through the freezers at Home Supplies.  I'm not sure what Chicken sausages are like but if they're served with Bubble and Squeak and Port gravy, I'm really not going to complain.

We got back to our apartment and were having our early evening G & T when  two boys of about 8 or 9 walked over to the watering hole with a duck on a string?  They threw the duck in, it was then we realised it was probably a cormorant - it puts a whole new slant on going fishing.

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