Thursday 9 February 2017

Food for thought

As you all probably know I'm married to a man who is absolutely passionate about food.  He's certainly not one of those who eats to live, he lives to eat, and for me thats not a bad thing!
When we planned our trip himself decided we ought to bring the two things we really always miss with us, smoked bacon and cheddar cheese, both items that are more or less impossible to get here.
I have to say he has a serious rationing system in place, so we when the time comes to get smoked bacon we really appreciate it.
The cooking facilities in our apartment are pretty good for this part of the world, I know friends who only have a halogen ring to cook on, which when your a chef is extreemely frustrating.  Not only do normal pans not work on them, you have to juggle cooking items to get the food cooked all at the same time.
 Please note pans in India dont always have handles, good job we bought an oven cloth with us

Yesterday we had a lovely breakfast of smoked bacon, poached eggs and toast which was nice.

Today himself decided he was so impressed with the menu at Dinhas in Benaulim, that we would go there for a late breakfast.  Not only was there ground filter coffee on the menu, but lots of lovely other things to try,  This morning he went for the creamy porridge with fresh grated coconut and honey, and having seen another diners breaky I went for the creamy porridge with banana and golden syrup!  Please dont tell Dr Shackley! ha ha ha,

I must just tell you about last nights fiasco.  We were having our first Gin & Tonic as the sun is setting over the field, picture the scene, peace, tranquillity , peacocks roaming, pigs shuffling, egrets finding the insects, a buffalo being taken to the watering hole, dogs walking, the boys playing football on the distant pitch.  Sounds pretty idyllic doesn't it ?  Then at the far end of the field a group of church goers congregate at the religious monument (too far away to get a decent picture) they sing and pray then one bright soul lets off firecrackers?? Why?? The mayhem that happened was as follows, seven peacocks took flight, the pigs and dogs shot off in different directions, the buffalo stampeded through the footballers, complete with his owner trailing on the rope behind him, absolute mayhem!  Oh how we laughed.

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