Thursday 2 February 2017

Birds of a feather.....

There are quite a few of us Brits who flock together, here in Varca; we fly away from the harsh British weather and arrive on the sandy shores of  Southern Goa, where we soak up winter sunshine and desperately needed vitamin D.  Many of us return year after year to the very same spot.

Today was Valerie's 80th Birthday.  She has been coming here with her husband Fred for many years, she even had a pacemaker fitted several years ago here in Goa at the Apollo Hospital.  To mark the event they decided to throw an Afternoon Tea Party, complete with cucumber sandwiches, Strawberries & Ice Cream and of course Birthday Cake washed down with Masala Tea.

 There were eighteen of us there to celebrate, two dear friends Inga and Fez from Canada, Linda & John from Tintagle, John & Denise from Southport, Chris and Carol from Portugal, Linda & Dennis, and Malcolm, Richard and myself and of course Fred & Valerie who have been married for 55 years.
Tony the barkeep looked after us very well, and the boys who take the orders/wait on table/etc were wonderful as usual.

We are all blessed with good health and although we are all over 60 we are making the very best of our time here, I feel very lucky to have such great friends.   Although it was casual dress, my husband always wears his tie!

After watching the sun set over the palm trees we made our way back to Costa's Vista Verde for a moonlight swim.

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