Wednesday 22 February 2017

Hello again

What a lovely way to spend a Wednesday with a cruise down the river

Our friend Angie arrived last Saturday for a weeks holiday during half term.  Its quite a long way to come for a week but I know that she thinks its worth it.

India is a bit like Marmite, you either love it or you hate it, and fortunately Angie now has the bug.  She loves the place and is definitely coming back.

She's a real game girl.  Everything we've chucked at her she has taken with relish, even to riding pillion with himself down to the beach.  We take it in shifts and Rich drops one off ready for the pool while the other starts walking!

So we have taken her to all our usual haunts, round the indoor market in Margao where she saw sights she has never seen before, to the fish market, that was an assault on the senses, if ever you needed one in India, a day on a cruise with lunch thrown in on the River Sal and out to sea dolphin spotting, so we've been quite busy
Fish market where we bought a kg of Tiger prawns for £6.50 then we had to get chef to cook them!

Kingfish Lunch and how they were earlier
Guess who caught these? No he's not that good!

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