Saturday 18 February 2017

Back to reality

After a lovely four days at the spa we have come back to our apartment and met up with our friends again.

The weather has been particularly hot for this time of the year and the Goan weather dept tells us in the Goan Times that it is 4c higher than usual, and has reached the heady height of 38c.
We generally use three different beach shacks, where there are restaurant and loo facilities as well as the usual sunchairs and parasols.  But we have decided to stick to Glorio's as its slightly higher on the beach and is surrounded by palms and other trees which give us much needed shade.

Denise & John in Jones corner with Vishnoo giving a foot massage

We have seen a lot more people here as with windy conditions and parasols blowing inside out, the trees are a definate draw.

The dogs have also been running into the sea to cool down.
We also found out that the Indian gentleman from London, had a brain tumour which he knew about and must have had a seizure before dying in the sea.
Sorry not the best picture but you can see the Vipers top right

There was a lot of shouting this afternoon when the bar boys found a couple of vipers sitting on 20 eggs within about 10 feet of the path to the beach.  We all dashed round to have a look, they were nesting under some riggly tin.  I guess they were shocked   to see us lot when the boys lifted the tin to show them to us.  We asked what would happen to them and the boys said they would bag them up and throw them in  the field - yikes!  Hindu religion doesnt allow them to kill anything.
I shall be looking out for them now ......

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