Saturday 4 February 2017

Wildlife ....,

Every morning we have coffee on our balcony overlooking open fields surrounded by palms. There is an abundance of wildlife; egrets, sea eagles,
peacocks, snuffling pigs and the occasional dog or two. 
Yesterday we had a near miss by a low flying peacock when we were on our way back from the village on our bike. They're quite ungainly beasts when they're in mid flight and himself uttered some expletives, and we did a bit of a wobble, phew, lucky escape then!

I go for a walk every morning, I'm trying to get some of my fitness back after last years ill health, and I met up with an old friend who lives in Varca.  She walks for two hours every day with her 3 dogs.  She also has a project that she's running to get the female stray dogs spayed. There are a lot of strays around the tourist areas and some are in a very poor state.  Lynn raises the money through the charity and the local vet charges her £20 for each femail dog.  As this is a local problem you would think that the local people would like to do something about it, but they keep the male dogs and dump the female dogs in various places. Its a real shame for the puppies.
Lynn & her dog and me and my shadow. Her T Shirt reads really well!

It was really great to catch up with Lynn and Pete, we met them down at Blue Waves where we all had lunch together.  The people who run Blue Waves are a really friendly bunch, Samsun who puts out our towels, gets our drinks and waits on table, has a remarkable memory, he never rights things down, but he knows what goes on the bill!  Two hot Chicken Salads, chips and two shandies and two beers cost the princely sum of £7.50.  Its also a dry day as the local elections are taking place, but Samsun gave us our drinks which we had to hide from view, just in case the inspectors came around, which apparently is not unusual,and if your caught then you lose your licence.

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