Saturday 11 February 2017

Sad, bad day

Its hard to believe a beautiful stretch of beach like this can be tinged with sorrow
We've had some very rough seas over the last few days, probably something to do with the full moon, the lunar eclipse and several planets all being in line at the moment

The day before we found two turtles dead on the shore, one fully grown and the other not quite as big, obviously washed in by the huge rollers that hit the beach.
Yesterday the sea was much calmer, but Sanjeed one of the bar boys was just walking along to the beach bar when he saw a body in the sea.
As it was before 9am the coastguards were not on duty so he shouted for help and Chris ran down to help give CPR and mouth to mouth resuscitation.  The coastguards and lifeguards came to help, but after 40 minutes he was pronounced dead.  He was thought to be an Indian from London.   All this had a devastating effect on the bar boys and all of the Brits & Canadians who use Glorio's beach shack.  The lifeguards think he had a heart attack, but after some careful deliberations, we think he might have been stung by a shoal of jellyfish ( I counted 27 washed up on the beach) and maybe went into anaphylactic shock before drowning, as he had water in his lungs.  So a sombre day.

We are going  to the Mayfair Hideaway Spa tomorrow for four days for a bit of pampering, so no blogging until next Wednesday.  I hear its snowing in the UK ha ha ha ha ha :)

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