Monday 29 February 2016

Friends ....

Our dear friends John & Suku popped over to see us. We've known their family for three years. Suku is an accomplished cook and she is always giving himself recipes. I bought her family some gifts from the UK and a rather nice cookbook so when they arrived, armed with Indian  snacks last night they'd also bought me a really lovely gift. 
Very pretty necklace and ear rings 😀
Today we had coffee with Kath & Bob
before an interesting day on the beach. There are no beggars but the odd roving entrepreneurs to take our rupees from us. 

The little boy bangs the tin with a spoon while his sister dances and stands on her head. They both stood up straight for the photo! 20p gave whoops of delight and big smiles!

The man with the bull got it to stand on  3 legs while he played the trumpet, we paid him to go away!!

The bull was rather beautiful .
A little later we had an invasion of cows again 
Himself popped up to the local butchers
 early 7.45 am but we were too late for pork chops or steak, but low and behold Albert the taxi driver got some for 
See you tomorrow ...,

Friday 26 February 2016

I'm back .,,,,

Apologies for my absence; two reasons a gastro problem being the first, so had to visit the Indian doctor. While I was waiting outside the houseboy, one of the security guards Albert the taxi driver and Steve Merrille turned up so  rumors and the grapevine have had people all over the place asking how I am. One injection , course of antibiotics, lipomax , and very strong pain killers later I'm getting 
We didn't go to the Film City - having researched it a bit more. There were lots of flight simulators, boat rides and the odd show so decided it wasn't for us, though the Indians who have never been on a plane, sub marine trip or steam train fine it thrilling!
The second reason is we've been so busy! Two more friends have arrived and what with lunches out and nights out dancing, yes himself throws the odd shape (dad dancing) time is really flying by.  
It's  Saturday we've had coffee with Lynne and Pete and saw the brush seller on his way through the village. The feathers are probably from an unfortunate peacock. Tonight we're meeting up with John and Suku. 
Here are just a few random shots around Hyderabad the place is growing at a phenominal rate 
This little guy could have only been about 3 I worried he would fall asleep his dad was pulling his hands round his waist to hold on 
Bye for now xx

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Sightseeing Hyderabad

Culture and history today with a great driver from "Misfar travels"? That could have a 't' on the the way my tum is at the mo. 
Having had a very light breakfast as an alien has taken over my tum we set off to see Charminar the Arc de Triumph (their precise description not mine) of the 
Then on to Chowmahhalla Palace built 200 Years ago for Nizam. 
With its stunning chandeliers and throne. 
It was so hot today 38 and not a breath of wind we declined the Golconda Fort and the zoo even if it's Indians largest.
But here's a shot from a distance of the fort - too much walking and too darn hot! 

Nearly stopped for a boat ride on the lake to get a close up of the Buddha but gave our guide the same excuses. 

Bye for now ....

Monday 22 February 2016


Well what luck again! It works wonders if you hover in front of the First Class at the check in desks. SpiceJet just upgraded us for a tenner - result! Shame they don't do alcohol on Indian flights but at least we get lush seats and priority everything else lol. 

So much for the upgrade! Snacks and drinks only, but still better seats ...
Hotel is a real treat we booked into the lush Ellaa Suites at the Ellaa Hotel. Lovely bedroom, sitting room and kitchen and bath room 

So off for a nice swim in the pool before dinner.
Tomorrow - culture, 
Wednesday Film City  Bollywood  at its best.

Friday 19 February 2016

Out and about

On our way out today we came across the mobile garden centre, even the salesman has a bigger phone than me! He walks miles pushing his cart but today I had my phone handy to take a picture.
The lane to the village goes straight through the school playground and all the kids wave and shout hello! The teacher bangs a big drum and the kids practise marching round the yard. Today when I waved I think the teacher banged the drum at me - oops. 
The doctors practice is in a mud brick shack who obviously get money from Vodafone. The waiting room is next door at the Anchor bar
Himself has been in as he slipped on the marble floor and pulled muscles in his back . Is there no end to his talents? The doc gave him some tablets and hopefully he will be on the mend - soon  
Last night we went to Zeon's for 
Where we had some very nice tandoori chicken and garlic cheese naan all cooked in the tandoor. 
Pretty hot stuff
Have a good weekend all my family lots of love xx

Thursday 18 February 2016

Indian kids

I was taking my morning walk along Zumbrai Beach when himself had an interesting chat with four Indian youngsters who sat next to him. The boy aged about 8 said "hello Uncle how many pages are there in your book? This  led to an interesting half an hour of talk about holidays, Christmas, Mumbai and finally "where has Aunty gone?" "Has she left you alone - will she come back?"
At this point Mum & Dad arrived to see if they were annoying him and dragged them off for lunch. 
We also had fresh fish which was delicious. 
This beauty has just strolled passed its an Ongole buffalo one of the native breeds. 

It's been really hot today 38c and little wind it's now 6.36pm and still a sultry 31
Funny what the locals say ; translation from Hindi to English is s bit odd sometimes. When Sanjay called us for our haggis the other day he said "your boiled stomach is ready" 😊

Tuesday 16 February 2016

What to do?

Friends have asked what do you do all day for two months in India? Well we start the day watching the eagles, kingfishers, peacocks ( national bird) pigs, cranes, egrets, buffalo in the field whilst having coffee. Then to the news BBC World on  TV, Daily  Mirror  & The Times just to get both sides of the story on mobile whilst having breakfast. 
There's always the local stuff in the Goan
Given free with our bit of shopping and today I bought some custard powder! We're 1 month in and have the urge for homely foods
It should go nicely with the bananas. Then a visit to the ATM for another 100,000 rupees. Today I bought eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes, aubergine, baking potatoes and onions a huge bag full for 90p.  Home to put the washing out, we have a Samsung Digital toploader

Then to the beach for a chat about world politics with JJ and Linda over the compulsory Kingfisher beer (it's 12 ish) . Yesterday we had Sanjays version of haggis; no oatmeal rice substituted , but the mash, onion gravy and mushy peas were to die for!
After a little snooze under the trees a walk along our beach which runs 20 miles.. 

The beach rider asked me if I wanted to climb aboard and do you know I nearly did- later I wish I had! 
Back to Costa Vista Verde (Portugese for green view) for a swim and light refreshments. There's a mass of locals trying to net the monster catfish who seems to be somewhat illusive! There is much laughter and now the football boys are having a look. 
Six o'clock; it's time for our first g & t to watch the sunset.
And a think about where to go this evening.....   Busy day;)
So nearly the same as home in summer, but here the sun shines everyday and it's about 30c - but  ah yes we didn't have a summer last year did we!

Monday 15 February 2016

Valentine's Day

We had a nice evening at Glorios, they went to a lot of trouble with fresh red roses for the ladies and a romantic disco. Himself and I got engaged on Valentine's Day 46 years ago- yes you've guessed I was a child bride!! 😀 and we had a nice dinner to celebrate

Looks awfully red under the very red lighting
Anyway a good evening was had. 
Our good friends John and Denise left for home. We shall really miss their company after a month of fun and games, still, all good things have to come to an end 

Missing you already ! Xx

Friday 12 February 2016

Grey mongoose and haggis??

We had a busy morning a visit to the petrol station to fill up the bike £1, then a spot of supermarket shopping for odds and sods and I spotted a bottle of Heinz salad cream- I was so ecstatic ( I know it doesn't take much) I didn't bother to look at the price and himself moaned that it cost more than  a bottle of gin! 
On the way past the paddy fields we spotted a grey mongoose- feisty beggars, but good snake catchers if you remember Riki tiki tavi in Jungle book? Himself did shout what the heck is that -  it did look like a giant rat! Couldn't get a snap of it so here's one I found later
Life here is much like at home except we sit outside watching the waves instead of inside back home looking at the rain . Himself had been sharing recipes with some of the boys from the bar and Sanjay has decided he would like to make us haggis. So Monday lunch could be interesting?
Saturday we are off to Blue Waves for lunch with Lyn and Pete who live here and then on Sunday Valentine's Day we are going to a local restaurant for a romantic evening - Indian style! 
More later .....