Tuesday 16 February 2016

What to do?

Friends have asked what do you do all day for two months in India? Well we start the day watching the eagles, kingfishers, peacocks ( national bird) pigs, cranes, egrets, buffalo in the field whilst having coffee. Then to the news BBC World on  TV, Daily  Mirror  & The Times just to get both sides of the story on mobile whilst having breakfast. 
There's always the local stuff in the Goan
Given free with our bit of shopping and today I bought some custard powder! We're 1 month in and have the urge for homely foods
It should go nicely with the bananas. Then a visit to the ATM for another 100,000 rupees. Today I bought eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes, aubergine, baking potatoes and onions a huge bag full for 90p.  Home to put the washing out, we have a Samsung Digital toploader

Then to the beach for a chat about world politics with JJ and Linda over the compulsory Kingfisher beer (it's 12 ish) . Yesterday we had Sanjays version of haggis; no oatmeal rice substituted , but the mash, onion gravy and mushy peas were to die for!
After a little snooze under the trees a walk along our beach which runs 20 miles.. 

The beach rider asked me if I wanted to climb aboard and do you know I nearly did- later I wish I had! 
Back to Costa Vista Verde (Portugese for green view) for a swim and light refreshments. There's a mass of locals trying to net the monster catfish who seems to be somewhat illusive! There is much laughter and now the football boys are having a look. 
Six o'clock; it's time for our first g & t to watch the sunset.
And a think about where to go this evening.....   Busy day;)
So nearly the same as home in summer, but here the sun shines everyday and it's about 30c - but  ah yes we didn't have a summer last year did we!

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