Friday 12 February 2016

Grey mongoose and haggis??

We had a busy morning a visit to the petrol station to fill up the bike £1, then a spot of supermarket shopping for odds and sods and I spotted a bottle of Heinz salad cream- I was so ecstatic ( I know it doesn't take much) I didn't bother to look at the price and himself moaned that it cost more than  a bottle of gin! 
On the way past the paddy fields we spotted a grey mongoose- feisty beggars, but good snake catchers if you remember Riki tiki tavi in Jungle book? Himself did shout what the heck is that -  it did look like a giant rat! Couldn't get a snap of it so here's one I found later
Life here is much like at home except we sit outside watching the waves instead of inside back home looking at the rain . Himself had been sharing recipes with some of the boys from the bar and Sanjay has decided he would like to make us haggis. So Monday lunch could be interesting?
Saturday we are off to Blue Waves for lunch with Lyn and Pete who live here and then on Sunday Valentine's Day we are going to a local restaurant for a romantic evening - Indian style! 
More later .....

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