Wednesday 3 February 2016

Shopping & Chilling in Pune

So there are the haves, and the have nots. The haves were in the Phoenix City Mall today buying designer brands just like back home. All the 18 -40 age group use the Malls and eat western food. India is changing so much, and so quickly. 

We couldn't resist the M & S sale with 70% off. The mall stretches for about 1/2 mile in four directions, all air conditioned with the usual top designer stores as well as McD KFC Burger King, Dominoes, plus up market  Italian , Chinese, Thai & Indian restaurants. We got hopelessly lost but managed to buy new shoes each and some shirts and cosmetics. 
Outside the have nots buy pomegranates  and nuts and drinks from the chai sellers

We haven't seen many beggars here, and everyone  including the street sellers has a bigger phone than me. The roads in the city are full of small shops where you can buy everything under the sun 
We headed back to the hotel for an afternoon dip. It's been a warm one today 

So at 3.26 it was 41.7 c yikes !
No wonder the pool felt cool

View from the rooftop pool
Tomorrow we fly back to Goa

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