Friday 26 February 2016

I'm back .,,,,

Apologies for my absence; two reasons a gastro problem being the first, so had to visit the Indian doctor. While I was waiting outside the houseboy, one of the security guards Albert the taxi driver and Steve Merrille turned up so  rumors and the grapevine have had people all over the place asking how I am. One injection , course of antibiotics, lipomax , and very strong pain killers later I'm getting 
We didn't go to the Film City - having researched it a bit more. There were lots of flight simulators, boat rides and the odd show so decided it wasn't for us, though the Indians who have never been on a plane, sub marine trip or steam train fine it thrilling!
The second reason is we've been so busy! Two more friends have arrived and what with lunches out and nights out dancing, yes himself throws the odd shape (dad dancing) time is really flying by.  
It's  Saturday we've had coffee with Lynne and Pete and saw the brush seller on his way through the village. The feathers are probably from an unfortunate peacock. Tonight we're meeting up with John and Suku. 
Here are just a few random shots around Hyderabad the place is growing at a phenominal rate 
This little guy could have only been about 3 I worried he would fall asleep his dad was pulling his hands round his waist to hold on 
Bye for now xx

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